Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Perils of Starting a Blog

Blogging is a big responsibility. I have lots of plans for Aptwifery, but haven't been able to concentrate my efforts to do the quality posts I plan to make, at the frequency that I want to make them. I am hoping to return in the fall with observations, cost-saving measures, and (hopefully) witty complaints about modern life.

This has led me to wonder: what takes time away from blogging, and how can I avoid whatever time-suck I have going on? Well, obviously housework takes up a lot of time. And some of it is quite stupid. I don't begrudge cleaning the toilet or washing the dishes. These both seem like honorable tasks. But folding sheets? This seems to be to be a colossal waste of time. I can't believe there are some people who take it one step further and actually iron them. To save time, I tend to take one of the pillowcases, and just shove the sheets in there. Then I stack the stuffed pillowcases in my closet. Done and done.

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